While picking my 40k armies, I always seem to land on Vanilla Space Marines. Either with actual space marines, or as count as: GW's favored army, easy to play for eternal beginners like me, and full of modeling potential.
Recently, however, this has turned into a taste for old school Space Marines. I took some old things from under the bed, and bought others from
Forgeworld's great old school infantry accessories, and I am putting together an army. Ultramarines, of course, the one and only.
A few examples, quick and dirty. A base of Bleached Bone, three coats of Asurmen Blue wash, then drybrush: Ultramarine Blue, then the same with increasing amounts of white. After that, metallic details for example with Mithril silver and Badab Black wash. Etc etc. Simple and quick, and the new GW washes are just too good to miss.

And an old Rhino! Great model, a bit too little now compared to the new one, but still great fun to paint. Same technics here: base Bleached Bone, then several washes of Asurmen Blue, then drybrush. Then weathering: weathering powder, dirtstreaks made with washes, metallic chips, etc.