Some more random pictures of the army...

All the army on the shelf

The boss and the big robots on the shelf

The Scouts/flying bots. Big gun behind is the heavy bolter.

Big robot/dreadnought number 1. Flames need to be reworked at some point. Too much black and yellow, it seems strange. The first idea was to go for a sort of sickly green flame effect, Alien mystery gun style. In the future, maybe.

Big bot number 2 and...

... his little friend. Comment from my daughter: he must be a baby, since he has diapers. Quite so.

One of the land speeders. Extraordinary little things in game terms. Multi-melta is ace, heavy flamer useful more often than not, all that in a skimmer. I had a pinch of bad consicence because my ... constructions are slightly smaller than GW's stock models. To compensate, I tried to be generous with my opponents' lines of sight.

One of the rhinos, the one with the open hatch. This was a treat to do. works visually very well, better than what the picture gives away.

And squad 2, the red heads. Red technic was very straightforward: the ubiquitous Charred Brown, then Charred + Terracotta, then Terracotta. Done. For this like for the bone heads, I did scratches and bumps by leaving the darker color show in some places. Then you go on the edges of this darker zone with pure white or a lighter version of your highlight color. Gives the "trompe l'oeil" effect you want.
On these big pictures, you see just how quick the army was done... Everything but 4 models from the bone head squad was painted in this feverish friday afternoon and night before the tournament. I might come back to this army and, for instance, re-work the metallic areas. Sometimes...
Next time, a bit of fluff, and we will be departing for new shores.
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